Thursday, February 7, 2008 

Girls Volleyball Skills: Serving Like a Superstar

The volleyball serve is the first opportunity to attack and immediately make a point against the opposing team. Since it's the only volleyball fundamental that is completely under your control its important to be able to check your form to be sure you have the most effective serve as possible.

Here are three tips to focus on to optimize your serving form!


Keep your elbow high while serving - During the armswing. Keeping your elbow high increases your chances of getting the ball Over the net. How do you know if your elbow is high enough? When you pull your elbow back before your toss Stop and look to see if you can look underneath your elbow. Your elbow should be higher than your ear. Now start all over again and make sure when you pull your elbow back before you toss... its higher than your follow through with your swing.


Try and Toss the same way Every Time! Practice just your toss by letting the ball rest in the palm of your hand (LEFT hand if you are right handed and Right hand if you are Left handed). Your toss should be 2 to 3 feet in the air - your arm should be straight and fully extended in front of you. Let the ball fall. It should fall every time 6 to 8 inches in front of your front foot. (Left foot if you are right handed and right foot if your are left handed.) Keep your weight on your back foot until you are ready to start your armswing. Three feet in the air and 8 inches in front of the toe of your front foot. Three feet in the air and 8 inches in front of the toe of your front foot. Three feet in the air and 8 inches in front of the toe of your front foot. We use to have to practice Just tossing over and over over again. It really improved my serve. Make sure you keep your body balanced. Tossing to the right or Left will knock you off balance. Your front foot toe is your guide.

Face Your Target

Face your entire body in the direction you want to serve. If you want to serve down the line - face your body - square your shoulders and hips, place your toe and your straightened tossing arm - Down The Line.

You are not going to be effective if you try to Hide, mask or fake out where you are going to serve.

You won't surprise anybody on the other side. If your toe and lower body are facing cross court and your upper body is facing down the line you can't effectively guide the ball to go to specific part of the court nor do you ahve the power to generate to consistently get the ball over the net.

With consistent practice your serve will improve in not ime!

April Chapple is a former USA National Womens Volleyball Team member and Volleyball Professional who created Volleyball Voices the first virtual volleyball mentoring community for girls volleyball players and volleyball coaches with stories by champion women volleyball players and coaching volleyball articles that break up volleyball skills so females learn how to play better volleyball.

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